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Searching for Customer Love in the Era of Direct-to-Consumer

9 Ecommerce Strategies for Sporting Goods, Leisure & Activity Retailers


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Key Findings in the D2C Whitepaper for the Sporting Goods Segment


Of U.S. online adults want the freedom to enjoy in-home trials of products


Of consumers want brands to curate products for them


Of consumers desire automatic shipments

As consumers around the world have become more focused on fitness and fierce after-work competition on soccer fields, in field houses and on bike trails, the sporting goods retail scene has grown into one of the most dynamic industries in the world. 

In its early days, sporting goods commerce was composed of specialty mom-and-pop shops. Eventually, it went through a period of mergers and acquisitions in which most of the family-run establishments were bought out by larger retailers

The past five years has seen the closing of many stores including Sports Authority, Sports Chalet, MC Sports and City Sports. Earlier in 2020, Modell’s was the latest establishment to declare bankruptcy, and today, many of the remaining large sporting goods retailers are struggling. The industry disruption has been in no small part due to the rise of direct-toconsumer (D-to-C) sporting goods brands.

Key insights of what the audience will find in the e-book/report

  • Nine things sporting goods retailers are doing to build market share and get ahead of the competition.
  • Insights and stats on revenue learkage and how to avoid it

We haven’t had a single fraudulent chargeback since we started with Signifyd. That’s what they said would happen and that’s what actually happened.”

— Ty Collins, Co-founder & CMO, Rad Power Bikes