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What’s a good night’s sleep worth to you?

“What’s a good night’s sleep worth to you?” This question is answered dozens of times on Kryo’s website through emotional testimonials from happy customers. Many of these customers were skeptical at first, but now they own more than one Kryo product (Kryo recently acquired the rights for the ChiliPad) and recommend them passionately to friends, family and co-workers. For some, the ChiliPad finally ended years of suffering, allowing them to sleep through the night without pain or discomfort and without blasting their heating or air conditioning all night long.

Todd and Tara Youngblood first launched the ChiliPad in 2009, after three years of design and development. Since then the ChiliPad has brought temperature-controlled sleep comfort to tens of thousands of customers globally. Sonya Spalding joined the company in 2015 as their Sales Coordinator when she moved to Mooresville, North Carolina. With a background in corporate insurance, Spalding pays close attention to details, making her the perfect candidate to lead the company’s fraud prevention efforts.

A better way to fight fraud

Before Signifyd, Spalding spent her time reviewing orders manually with multiple tools and every piece of information available to her. She used online searches, address lookups, social media profiles – anything that could help her validate the buyer’s identity. But consumers would get frustrated with delays from manual reviews and, despite all her efforts, the company was still facing a 3% fraud rate and significant chargebacks. “I had all these tools but despite everything I did, we were losing tens of thousands of dollars in fraud losses.”

By implementing Signifyd’s real-time machine learning, Kryo saw their fraud drop by more than 90% and the few fraudulent orders that somehow made it through were fully reimbursed with Signifyd’s Guaranteed Fraud Protection. Since she no longer needs to manually review orders, Spalding can ship most orders out the same day. She may still review a handful of orders, but that’s mostly to collect additional information, like an alternate email address, so she can resubmit the order to Signifyd for Guaranteed Fraud Protection. “Most of what I resubmit gets approved, so we’re also covered there,” she explains.

Another benefit from recovering her time is the ability to focus. Before Signifyd, Spalding dealt with the organizational stress of finding and recording all fraud. Now she can focus on customer service and more specialized fraud cases. “I’ve been able to focus more recently on friendly fraud, where customers are claiming the mattress pad arrived damaged, or never arrived at all, and thus they’re filing a chargeback,” says Spalding. As a company focused entirely on customer satisfaction, Spalding would much rather issue refunds to customers instead of managing chargebacks. “I don’t know why they don’t just reach out to us. We’ll give them a refund, and it would be much easier for everyone than all the cycles involved with a chargeback.”

A promise to every customer

Kryo takes their technology and product design very seriously, offering a 90 Day Comfort Guarantee for customers who haven’t seen an improvement in their sleep. “This isn’t a marketing tactic, it’s a promise,” explains Spalding. “It’s rare, but it does happen. I’ve had some people ask for a refund while I’ve been here and we’ve always made good on our promise.” As the world’s largest provider of Guaranteed Fraud Protection, Signifyd is proud to support a merchant who stands behind their product and makes good on their promise to every customer.

Kryo’s focus on their customers builds upon a family tradition of product innovations in sleep comfort. Todd’s uncle, Charles Hall invented the modern water bed more than 45 years ago as a graduate student at San Francisco State University. Hall paired a robust liquid support system with temperature control and patented his innovation as “Liquid Support for Human Bodies”.

Youngblood’s advice to new entrepreneurs is a testament to perseverance and grit. “When you face problems you’ve never seen before, don’t give up. Keep looking, there’s always a better way.” Spalding claims this philosophy is what drives her team every day, and it’s what led her to Signifyd after she exhausted numerous options for manually reviewing orders herself. With Signifyd’s Guaranteed Fraud Protection, Spalding – like all her customers – can enjoy a good night’s sleep knowing she’ll never have to worry about chargebacks again.

Sourabh Kothari

Sourabh Kothari

Sourabh is the former Director of Merchant Advocacy at Signifyd, where he brought over 18 years of experience defining, designing and delivering content through stories, events and video.