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Signifyd Insights Dashboard helps customers get smart about fraud

Don’t Forget Your Customers When it Comes to Fraud

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Signifyd’s newest analytics tool for our merchant customers — the Insights Dashboard — is now available to all Signifyd customers. Our product team has been working hard to develop the Insight Dashboard’s enhanced reporting features to help merchants access and understand their business intelligence and make more informed decisions about their ecommerce strategies.

We covered the beta release of the Insights Dashboard on our blog earlier this year. The foundation of the new Insights features hasn’t changed. These fundamentals reflect our team’s commitment to developing a better analytics tool for our customers.

Detecting fraud and understanding fraud are two different things. The new dashboard features will help merchants minimize fraud. The dashboard shows merchants our detection results and all the chargebacks from their orders. Customers can also see the chargeback reimbursements that Signifyd has paid out to them. With Revenue Protection, we pay merchants back for all approved orders that result in fraudulent transactions.

With the new Insights Dashboard, merchants get even more out of their working relationship with Signifyd. Here are just a few of the new, enhanced tools now available to our customers.

Stop revenue leakage before it starts

The Insights Dashboard’s robust new suite of tools starts with a dashboard that displays key data points in one, easy-to-find view for Signifyd users. With advanced reporting and data views, merchants have access to a new level of business intelligence that can help them identify fraud trends and patterns, with insights into their own business data they may not have known before.

Some of the key features of the Insights Dashboard include:

  • A comparison tool that presents a customer’s metrics against the average merchant data for their specific product category. Signifyd also helps merchants identify possible revenue leakage causes like specific items that sell at a loss or shipping methods prone to fraud.
  • A fraud detection results readout for each merchant’s chargebacks from orders. This view includes all chargeback data, like chargeback reimbursements that Signifyd has paid out to the merchant. This helps the merchant visualize the return on investment for working with Signifyd.
  • An at-a-glance view with performance drill-down capabilities into sales and fraud trends, including granular detail of your geographic sales and fraud data. Merchants can view the results in the dashboard or download the results in CSV format.

Signifyd’s Insights Dashboard is a valuable tool that allows each merchant to customize their view and access into their own sales and fraud data. It’s another step you can take to identify fraud and minimize financial losses from chargebacks, chargeback item not received claims and more.

Now you can see the Insights Dashboard in action in our quick walkthrough video.

Insights in action

Signifyd built a customized product that comes with an out-of-the-box solution to provide a better set of analysis solutions for our data-savvy customers. Our short walkthrough video explains the features of Insights, plus a how-to guide for accessing and using your new tool.

Insights is a powerful new tool now available for all Signifyd customers. We’re committed to providing the best-in-class enterprise fraud management solutions to ecommerce merchants, and we’re excited to see how the new Insights Dashboard can help our customers become smarter about their fraud risk.

Joining the fight against fraud

Merchants need business analytics to make important decisions about their sales and fraud strategies. Data doesn’t have to be inaccessible or a black box. With the Insights Dashboard from Signifyd, customers have more power than ever to identify fraud trends and patterns and make more informed business decisions.

Signifyd has answers to your toughest fraud questions. Talk to us about how to take on revenue leakage, fraud losses and much more.

Chris Martinez

Chris Martinez

Chris is a content strategist at Signifyd.